Business Continuity Plan

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This plan has been designed to prepare P2P Kapital Sdn Bhd (NK) to cope with the effects of an emergency or crisis. It is intended that this document will provide the basis for a relatively quick and painless return to “business as usual” regardless of the cause.

A. Emergency Contact Persons

NK sees two emergency contact persons. Namely:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Compliance Officer
    • Name: Nor Fadzrina binti Zulghafar
    • Contact No.: +6011 1128 2440
    • Email: [email protected]

B. Firm’s Policy

In the event of a Significant Business Disruption (SBD), we expect this document to:

  • Minimize the risk of damage to the firm’s property and injuries or deaths of the firm’s employees.
  • Minimize disruption to the firm’s operations by quickly recovering and resuming business operations.
1) Significant Business Disruptions (“SBD”)

Our plan anticipates two kinds of SBDs, internal and external:

  • Internal SBDs: Affect only our firm’s ability to communicate and do business, such as a fire in our building.
  • External SBDs: Prevent the operation of the securities markets or a number of firms, such as any event of Force Majeure.
2) Approval and Execution Authority

Kee Yong Foo, Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for approving the plan and for conducting the required annual review. He has the authority to execute this Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”).

3) Plan Location and Access

Our firm will maintain copies of its BCP plan and the annual reviews. An electronic copy is located on our physical backup server and cloud server.

C. Business Description

Our firm provides Shariah-compliant financing through peer-to-peer networks. Financing is provided through Murabahah or Mudharabah structures.

D. Office Locations

  • Operational Office
    • BO1-A-16-1, Menara 2, KL Eco City, No.3, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Alternative Office
    • 218 – Level 5, Klang Midvalley Complex, Jalan Pasar, 41400 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

E. Alternative Physical Location(s) of Employees

In the event of an SBD, staff may be required to work from home or at an alternative site with necessary infrastructure.

F. Customers’ Access to Funds and Securities

NK does not maintain custody of customers’ funds. Funds are maintained by our Trustee. Customers will be informed on how to access their funds in case of disruptions.

G. Data Back-Up and Recovery (Hard Copy and Electronic)

Our site performs daily automatic backups. Backups are stored on our physical storage device and cloud server with encryption.

H. Financial and Operational Assessments

  • Operational Risk: We will ensure communication and access to records in case of an SBD.
  • Financial and Credit Risk: We will assess our financial status and seek additional funding if necessary.

I. Alternate Communications

  • Investors and Counterparties: Email and telephone will be used as communication channels.
  • Employees: Communication through email, Slack, or telephone.
  • Regulators: Contact through email, telephone, or written communication.

J. Critical Business Constituents, Banks, and Counter-Parties

  • Business Constituents: Vendors will be informed and alternative arrangements will be made if necessary.
  • Banks: Contact will be made to ensure continued services.

K. Disclosure of Business Continuity Plan

Our written BCP disclosure statement will be provided to customers before deals via email and posted on our website.

L. Updates and Annual Review

Our firm will update this plan when there are material changes and conduct an annual review.

M. Senior Manager Approval

Approved by: Kee Yong Foo, Chief Executive Officer, Date: 24 January 2025