Fee Type | Rate | Description | ||||||||
Processing Fee | RM50.00 | A one-time fee charged upon submission of documents. | ||||||||
Hosting Fee | RM250.00 | Fee charged upon hosting of the campaign on the Platform. | ||||||||
Maintenance Fee | Up to 1% per Annum | Fees charged annually at the end of each anniversary of the tenure of the investment until the repayment of the Investors’ Funds is fully repaid. | ||||||||
Service Fee (Wakalah Fee) | 3% to 5% | Fees charged by the Platform to issuers upon successful funds raised. Fee will be based upon
the following Risk Grading:
Stamp Duty | 0.5% Flat Rate | Duty payable under the law. Fees charged by the Platform to issuers upon successful funds raised. Amount is determined by the amount of funds raised. For example: if campaign hosted is RM100,000 but total investment achieved is RM 85,000. The duty payable would be RM85,000 x 0.5% = RM425. | ||||||||
Bank Charges (Other) | RM0.11 – RM1.00 | Charges if applicable based on any charges by the bank (such as IBG, FPX). Will be charged upon successful withdrawal from Trust. |